Dustin never expected to be called into a public ministry (especially after he broke down in tears after the first speech he gave as a child). But God has a sense of humor and a way of using the weakest of people. When Dustin experienced God as a freshman in high school, he knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life sharing God’s love with others. Dustin has a passion to see the unchurched experience life transformation through the gospel and for believers to experience revived passion for Jesus.
Dustin is the Founder and Vision Caster for Revival LA, a ministry that aims to see revival in Los Angeles. He also oversees the College and Young Adult Ministries of NewStory LA, a church in Downtown LA. Dustin enjoys teaching the Bible as well as writing and speaking about a diverse range of topics from apologetics to ministry leadership.
He believes that it is God’s will for all gospel-believing churches to link arms and make a greater impact on their city. Dustin lives in Downtown LA with his best friend and wife Jennifer.