Knowing Beauty and Creating It with Brian Chung
S2 | Episode 16
May 26, 2021

If you're going through a career change, taking the leap of faith to start your own business, or admiring the Alabaster publication of Proverbs on your coffee table... you are in for a treat. Tune in to our Listening Tour episode with Co-founder of Alabaster Co., Brian Chung! Behind Alabaster's intentionally and beautifully designed books of the Bible was a journey of recognizing and responding to the realization that God's story is beautiful. Growing up, Brian had not been raised in the Christian faith and came to encounter the Lord during his freshman year in college. He shared with us the string of questions and risks that led him to ideate and commit to Alabaster's success full-time. For those of you unfamiliar with Alabaster's books, Brian's company makes "Bibles

that look like coffee-table magazines" where each book of the Bible is accompanied by beautiful imagery, thoughtful design, and intentional negative space on every page. Their vision is to experience God as beautiful and so far, they've succeeded in doing so with 16 of the Bible's 66 books. What has been the best-selling book? And where did the name 'Alabaster' come from? Tune in to find out! Another topic we talked about was where he grew up (it wasn't California!) and the LA neighborhood he lived the longest in: South LA! So many great topics were discussed in the short half-hour we shared with Brian and we know you'll be encouraged by this young and faithful entrepreneur.

If you want to know more about Alabaster Co:

IG: @alabaster_co

If you want to follow Brian Chung's journey:
IG: @brianchung. |. TikTok: brian__chung