Nikita Motorin and His Dream for Athletes to Know Their Creator and Make Disciples of All Nations
S2 | Episode 18
June 16, 2021

Nikita Motorin and His Dream for Athletes to Know Their Creator and Make Disciples of All Nations

This week's podcast guest is Nikita Motorin from Athletes in Action, an organization with the vision of seeing "Christ-followers on every team, in every sport, in every nation." Nikita currently oversees the UCLA Campus, a school known to produce Olympians and having sports games viewed by millions of people all over the country. He shared with us his journey of becoming an Athletes in Action leader, his personal professional sports career growing up in Kazakhstan (where he got to attend weekly Bible studies in a country that is not open to Christianity...curious how this happened? Tune in to find out!), how Nikita and his wife function as a team when discipling athletes, his answer to what problems students face today that are different from when he first started to work with Athletes in Action (since 2008) and his hopes for Athletes in Action's legacy in UCLA. Other worthwhile tidbits to hear include:

-What is unique about an athlete's platform to be a witness to the gospel?

-Guess which famous basketball player Motorin met when he was ministering to the Sun Devils team?

-How did he communicate with his now-wife when they first met and he did not speak English at the time?

-Where will the Olympics 2028 Opening Ceremony be?