Gospel Care with Jaslyn Dixon: to care for Christ's body with His heart
S2 | Episode 19
June 30, 2021

After hearing Jaslyn Dixon -Marriage and Family Therapy Licensed Therapist, Professor, and Gospel Care Director at Reality LA - speak for the Mental Health Conversation, we (like everyone else who attended) left with wanting more -so what did we do? We invited her to be on the Listening Tour.

In the words of Jaslyn, her position as Reality LA's "Gospel Care Director" means coming alongside people to help them receive and reflect the heart of Christ and the power of our greatest counselor (the Holy Spirit) through leadership development and training, initiating various care programs and offering care. Altogether, it is a love-driven endeavor to make the church a safe and healing space.

We asked her if other churches have similar positions, if the concept of soul care is becoming more commonplace, her story of pursuing psychology (she has two Master's degrees and a license!), how the gospel models soul care, and why soul care is important to the Christian walk. We were blessed to hear Jaslyn's testimonies as well as her encouragement to press into healing for His glory, see soul care as a vessel of incarnational ministry, ask how to practice lament and reconciliation, be a people who remember that God is at work, and in that, be freed to move at a pace of trust and peace.

Listening to Jaslyn, we were moved by her reminder that the creator of shalom -which means wholeness, harmony and completeness- is with us, and we know that you will be blessed, too.

To follow her work and projects, follow her on Instagram at @jaslynmft or contact her by e-mail on jaslynmft@gmail.com