Annette Forster and Sarah Dornbos: Agents of Transformation and Hope with Kids Hope USA
S2 | Episode 23
August 17, 2021

We are elated to have Annette Forster, Partnership Growth Mentor of Kids Hope USA (and a Kids Hope USA Mentor for nearly 11 years!), and Sarah Dornbos, Kids Hope Los Angeles Director, join us on the Together LA Listening Tour this week. Kids Hope is an organization founded upon the vision of building life-changing mentor relationships one child, one hour, one church, and one school at a time. We heard these incredible and inspiring women of God tell us about their roles, how Kids Hope started (twenty-five years later, the organization expanded to 39 states and 1200 church-school partnerships), details about the mentorship program, and vignettes of testimonies. We were encouraged to hear about the impact Kids Hope mentors had on their local youth and communities, as well as how schools saw participating churches as integral partnerships and sources of support. If you are interested to work with at-risk youth or give back to your community, can dedicate one hour a week for one academic school year, and are based in LA County, you can e-mail Annette Forster or go to for more information.