The Unchanging Love of God Through Loss and Music with Hip-Hop Artist MJ "2 The Human
S2 | Episode 24
August 26, 2021

What is it like for a young Christian Hip-Hop artist to navigate through Los Angeles and the faithscape of creatives? Tune in to Together LA's Listening Tour podcast to hear our interview with MJ aka "2 the Human" to find out! A Houston native who moved to Los Angeles fresh after graduating high school for his dream, MJ "2 the Human" shared with us the inspiration behind his artist name, life in LA (especially through the pandemic), the theme of his album "The Move", the key events that shaped his faith and outlook, his songwriting and voice-finding process, ambitions for the future, the artists he looks up to for inspiration and about Glendale. We know you will be encouraged to hear how his love for the Lord guides his hopes and how faithful God has been to him through times of joy, uncertainty, transformation and loss. MJ's music was and is written with the hope that it "will create a safe place to encounter the Lord in an intimate way" and help others move to wherever they need to be and serve as the soundtrack to their journey.Hear more of this up-and-coming artist's thoughts on our website or on all major podcast platforms (under "Together LA Listening Tour" on Spotify, Anchor, Radio Public, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast and Breaker).Follow his work on Instagram here ( @2thehuman ) and Youtube channel here.